The multinational band will be on a 7 city India tour performing in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Meghalaya, Kanpur and Bangalore. With songs for the new album “Sunshine Dust” already laid down the tour can expect the band to perform a few unheard songs. One of the highlights of the tour will be Skyharbor performing at IIT Kanpur in front young enthusiastic college students.
Tour dates
14th Oct: Off The Roof, Mumbai
20th Oct: antiSOCIAL, Delhi
21st Oct: The Moonshine Project, Hyderabad
22nd Oct: High Spirits, Pune
25th Oct: antiSOCIAL, Mumbai
27th Oct: NH7 Weekender, Meghalaya
28th Oct: Antraagni, IIT Kanpur
29th Oct: NH7 Weekender Express, Bangalore